Wow! Just wow is the first thing that comes to mind with this massage!

The key to the magic relaxation and comfort of this massage is the secret recipe CBD Massage Lotion offered at Natural Body Works.

This incredibly relaxing experience offers comfortably warm towels along with the amazing benefits of Natural Body Works CBD Peace-out Massage Lotion.

In this session, we apply a personalized massage of various depths, chosen specifically for your muscle-tension pattern.

CBD Peace-out Massage will have you floating away in a cloud of Peace, and then come back to earth feeling amazing, energized and restored, with more flexibility, comfort and ease throughout your entire mind, body and soul.

CBD Benefits

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed, it can be hard to relax, even during a massage! Because CBD facilitates calmness and relaxation, you can unwind, let go, enjoy your massage and get the most benefit from it. You will leave your session better prepared to keep up with your busy life, even after your massage ends.

CBD reduces tension and revives your body by hydrating and warming your muscles to reduce muscle tension and target the occasional uncomfortable “trouble spots” we all have.

CBD promotes overall inner peace by activating the pathways of existing cannabinoid (CB2) receptors already present in your body. This works to facilitate calmness, relaxation and positive energy in your mind and elevates your mood, allowing you to let go of nagging thoughts.

The amazing light, subtle and luxurious scents of Natural Body Works Peace~out Massage Lotion come from the essential oils of Lemongrass, arnica and peppermint, in a base of CBD, grapeseed, coconut and olive oils. This lotion feels amazing on your skin and will transport you to a place of total ease, comfort, balance and peace.